Norembridge - Chapter 07 - 10


OOO==[Patreon Supporters]==OOO

((o===Special Thanks===o))

To the great people who sponsor the
continuation of these postings.

Erich Beyer
Joe Rejzek
Pinefalls - on Comicfury
Miss Silver


Norembridge - Chapter 07 - 08


OOO==[Patreon Supporters]==OOO

((o===Special Thanks===o))

To the great people who sponsor the
continuation of these postings.

Erich Beyer
Joe Rejzek
Pinefalls - on Comicfury
Miss Silver


[ Age Ratings - OT (Older Teen) +16 ]

Mature topics. There's gonna be a lot of them as the story goes on. It's part of the nature of the location I suppose. This page carries with it an implication on a certain one at that. I implore you to always look out for those around you and show what kindness you can it may make the biggest difference of that day to someone hurting inside. That being said! I offer a few resources for people to look into in case this is a problem currently in front of you.

Here are resources to help those going through this pesky haze.

For me, myself, personally.
Faith is an anchor. Miss used it will sink you and others to the bottom. But properly used it will steady your ship from dangers. God bless you. Jesus loves you. Your storms aren't bigger than him. And he'll champion for you if you'll let him.

Norembridge - Chapter 07 - 05


 OOO==[Patreon Supporters]==OOO

((o===Special Thanks===o))

To the great people who sponsor the

continuation of these postings.


Erich Beyer

Joe Rejzek


Pinefalls - on Comicfury


Norembridge - Chapter 07 - 02


OOO==[Patreon Supporters]==OOO

       ((o===Special Thanks===o))

To the great people who sponsor the
  continuation of these postings. 

         Erich Beyer
         Joe Rejzek
         Pinefalls - on Comicfury


Norembridge - Chapter 07 - 01


OOO==[Patreon Supporters]==OOO

((o===Special Thanks===o))

Erich Beyer
Joe Rejzek
Pinefalls - on Comicfury


Norembridge - Chapter 06 - 08

Norembridge - Chapter 06 - 08

Returning to the Hospital Ward, we find the humming buzz of 200 joules of energy trailing across a pair of chest paddles. Yet with little time to spare Paxton prepares himself and proceeds to try and stabilize the Cat's heart-rate. New to the webcomic? In summary. It is an Asylum Comic about anthropomorphic residents coping with the day to day events and misadventures.

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