Norembridge - Chapter 07 - 09


OOO==[Patreon Supporters]==OOO

((o===Special Thanks===o))

To the great people who sponsor the
continuation of these postings.

Erich Beyer
Joe Rejzek
Pinefalls - on Comicfury
Miss Silver


= Mental Health Awareness Month =
Remember to reach for those within reach of you with shows of loving encouragement.

Norembridge - Chapter 07 - 06


OOO==[Patreon Supporters]==OOO

       ((o===Special Thanks===o))

To the great people who sponsor the
  continuation of these postings. 

         Erich Beyer
         Joe Rejzek
         Pinefalls - on Comicfury
Miss Silver


Norembridge - Chapter 06 - 11

Norembridge - Chapter 06 - 11

We return stumbling about in the still darkened expanse of the Asylum as Paxton and Wilhelmina search frantically through the medical supplies. The fate of their patient still unknown. Each second that passes gnaws at the two before drastic measures are taken. Along the way the two discuss an unusual mystery that suddenly dawns on them. This is the first time Norembridge has been Lightless.

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